Preparation of Manuscript

The journal's guidelines for submitting articles were prepared in accordance with the ICMJE recommendations. For more information, please visit

For the requirements of writing clinical trials, please refer to the detailed configuration review of CONSORT available at You can download the checklist from .



Title Page: The information required on the title page is listed below;

  • The article title should provide a clear and precise description of the content of the article (abbreviations should be avoided),
  • Include the full name and surname of the author/s, as well as the name of the department/institution/organization to which the work should be attributed. - Provide information on the highest academic degree of the author/s.  - Include full contact details of the author/s, including correspondence addresses and the telephone number of the corresponding author.  - Include the ORCID ID of all authors.
  • The author(s) must declare that the views expressed in the submitted manuscript are their own and not those of the institution and/or funders.
  • The statement of financial support must be complete, clear, and not misleading.
  • A statement of the authors' contributions should be included.
  • An ethics statement should be included, indicating the name of the institution where ethics committee approval was obtained, the date of committee approval, and the committee approval number.
  • The word count of the text (excluding the abstract, table and figure legends, and references), the word count of the abstract,
  • The number of figures and tables.


Abstract and Keywords: The abstract should be consistent with the main text and should not differ from it. A structured abstract should include sections for Aim, Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusions. The abstract should be no longer than 250 words and should not contain references.

Keywords should be listed alphabetically, separated by semicolons, and include a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5. For the selection of key words, it is recommended to refer to the subject headings of the Index Medicus (MeSH), available at

Introduction: Briefly and clearly explain the specific purpose of the study, the observation, the research objective, or the hypothesis that is being tested.

Methods: The study plan and protocol should include information on how and why the study was conducted based on the available data at the time. The methods section should provide detailed information on the approval of the study by an independent local ethics committee, including the name of the institution, approval number, and approval date.

When conducting studies involving human subjects, it is important to provide a clear description of the selection process for observational or experimental participants. This should include information on whether the participants were healthy individuals or patients, as well as any controls that were used. Additionally, eligibility and exclusion criteria should be clearly outlined, along with a description of the source population.

Comment on the representativeness of the study sample in relation to the larger population of interest.

For articles with lengthy analysis methods, information can be provided under the heading 'Statistical Analysis'.

Additionally, it is necessary to provide the sources of any special equipment, including drugs, devices, and product names, used in the study along with the company name.

If artificial intelligence techniques were used in the study, the tools, releases, and any other relevant information necessary to reproduce the approach should be described in detail.

Results: The results should be presented in a logical order, giving the main or most important data first in the text, tables and figures. The language should be in the past tense and repetition of all data in tables and figures should be avoided.

Discussion: Based on the data presented in the Introduction and/or Results section, the Discussion section should highlight new and important aspects of the study.

Conclusion: In this section, briefly interpret the study in relation to the objectives. Provide data to support the main findings.

Referances: References should be numbered with Arabic numerals in parentheses () in the order in which they appear in the text. If multiple consecutive references are cited, list all numbers in the same parenthesis.

At the end of the article, references should be listed in citation order. For each source, include a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number at the end.

If there are six authors in the sources used, list all of them. If there are seven or more authors, add 'et al.' The reference style used in the journal is APA style. Examples can be found at examples.

When citing a preprint in submitted manuscripts, indicate that the reference is a preprint.


Examples are listed below;

Journal article:

Surname, initials of author(s). (Year). Title. Journal Title. Number of Volume(Number of Issue) Inclusive pages. DOI link


Yu Y, He Z, Ouyang J, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging radiomics predicts preoperative axillary lymph node metastasis to support surgical decisions and is associated with tumor microenvironment in invasive breast cancer: A machine learning, multicenter study. EBioMedicine. 2021;69:103460.       



Surname, initials of author(s). (Year). Title (Number of Edition). Publisher. Inclusive pages. DOI link


Soun, J, Masudathaya, LAY, Biswas, A, Chow, DS. (2023). The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Neuro-oncology Imaging. In: Colliot, O. (eds) Machine Learning for Brain Disorders. Neuromethods, vol 197. Humana, New York, NY.


Book chapter:

Surname, initials of author(s). (Year). Title (Number of Edition). Surname, initials of editor(s), Title of chapter. (Number of Edition, Inclusive pages). Publisher. DOI link


Filicori, F., Meireles, O.R. (2021). Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. In: Lidströmer, N., Ashrafian, H. (eds) Artificial Intelligence in Surgery. Springer, Cham.



Surname, initials of author(s). (Year). Title. (Publication No) [“Doctoral dissertation” or “Master’s thesis” followed by a comma and the name of the institution that awarded the degree]. the name of the database, repository, or archive. Include a URL for the dissertation or thesis if the URL will resolve for readers.


Conference Presentation:

Surname, initials of author(s). (Year, month, initials of days). Name of the conference meeting, location. Link (add the link if it is available)


Ducreux M, Abou-Alfa GK, Bekaii-Saab T, et al. (2022, June 29, July 2) The management of hepatocellular carcinoma. Current expert opinion and recommendations derived from the 24th ESMO/World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, Barcelona, 2022. ESMO Open. 2023;8(3):101567.         


Surname, initials of author(s). Title of website [Internet]. Publisher: Year Mon date [(updated Year Mon date); cited Year Mon date]. Available from: URL


Manoli I, Sloan JL, Venditti CP. Isolated Methylmalonic Acidemia. 2005 Aug 16 [Updated 2022 Sep 8]. In: Adam MP, Feldman J, Mirzaa GM, et al., editors. GeneReviews® [Internet]. Seattle (WA): University of Washington, Seattle; 1993-2024. Available from:


When citing published articles, it is recommended to use the electronic version.

It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that none of the references are to retracted articles, unless specifically referring to the retraction.

It is not acceptable to refer to material generated by artificial intelligence.

Tables and Figures: Tables should be submitted with margins, numbered in Arabic numerals, and placed sequentially in the file. Table descriptions should accompany each table and should be indicated in parentheses where they are mentioned in the text. Abbreviations, if any, in tables should have an explanation at the bottom of the table.

Images and figures should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi and be in JPG, GIF, or TIFF format. They should be attached as separate files from the main text file and accompanied by brief descriptions.

If using content from other sources, authors must obtain permission from the copyright holder. Authors are responsible for any legal, financial, or criminal issues related to copyright infringement.

Conflict of Interest: Authors are responsible for declaring any conflicts of interest (financial or related to other relationships and activities).

Funding: Authors are responsible for declaring the support received for the study. If no support was received, authors are expected to declare it in their own words.

Acknowledgments: Researchers who contributed without meeting the author criteria should be included in the acknowledgments section.

Examples of contributions that are not sufficient for authorship include funding, writing assistance, technical editing, language editing, proofreading, etc.

If there has been the use of artificial intelligence for writing assistance, this should be acknowledged in the same section.

Author Contributions: Author contributions should be listed on the title page as well as on the Acknowledgement of Authorship Form.

Conceptualization: Surname, initials of author(s)., Methodology: Surname, initials of author(s)., Writing the article: Surname, initials of author(s)., Data validation: Surname, initials of author(s)., Data analysis: Surname, initials of author(s)., Research and data improvement: Surname, initials of author(s)., Original drafting: Surname, initials of author(s)., Review and editing: Surname, initials of author(s).

Authorship Policy

Surgical Revolutions and Artificial Intelligence adheres to ICMJE's guidelines for authorship criteria ( ).

Authors must meet the following criteria: make a significant contribution to the concept, design, or collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; make a significant critical contribution to the drafting or preparation of the manuscript; review the final manuscript; and agree to be accountable for the entire content of the manuscript.

Contributions such as funding, administrative support, typo correction, or language correction do not meet the criteria for authorship. The acknowledgments section of the manuscript should include the names of individuals or organizations who made contributions, along with a description of their contribution.

It is important to note that artificial intelligence tools do not meet the authorship criteria. If AI-generated text or images were used, the authors should acknowledge this in the acknowledgments section, including the tool used and the field of use.

The corresponding author is the individual who will be authorized to provide the necessary documents for manuscript submission and correspondence during the evaluation process. They are expected to be available for communication throughout the review period.

Submissions to the journal require completion of an ICMJE Form signed by all authors, as well as an Acknowledgement of Authorship Form to be filled out and signed by the corresponding author on behalf of all authors.

Before publication, the Editorial Board will consider requests for changes to author names. Once an article has been published, it is no longer possible to make changes to author names.


Preprint Policy

Authors must declare if the manuscript has been published in a preprint archive, either at submission or during peer review, and provide information on how reviewers can access it.

It is the authors' responsibility, not the journal editors', to ensure that preprints are updated to direct readers to subsequent versions of the work, including the published article.

Authors should not publish in the preprint archive the published article or interim versions that include revisions based on journal feedback during the peer-review process.


Article Processing Charge

No fees or charges are required for manuscript processing or publishing materials in the journal. All expenses of the journal are covered by the Surgical Education and Technology Association.


Advertising Policy

Surgical Revolutions and Artificial Intelligence may publish advertisements on the back cover for relevant topics that may appeal to the journal's readership. Advertising requests should be sent to the Editorial Office by e-mail. The Editorial Board is authorised to decide on the acceptance of advertisements.