Authorship Policy

Surgical Revolutions and Artificial Intelligence adheres to ICMJE's guidelines for authorship criteria ( ).

Authors must meet the following criteria: make a significant contribution to the concept, design, or collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; make a significant critical contribution to the drafting or preparation of the manuscript; review the final manuscript; and agree to be accountable for the entire content of the manuscript.

Contributions such as funding, administrative support, typo correction, or language correction do not meet the criteria for authorship. The acknowledgments section of the manuscript should include the names of individuals or organizations who made contributions, along with a description of their contribution.

It is important to note that artificial intelligence tools do not meet the authorship criteria. If AI-generated text or images were used, the authors should acknowledge this in the acknowledgments section, including the tool used and the field of use.

The corresponding author is the individual who will be authorized to provide the necessary documents for manuscript submission and correspondence during the evaluation process. They are expected to be available for communication throughout the review period.

Submissions to the journal require completion of an ICMJE Form signed by all authors, as well as an Acknowledgement of Authorship Form to be filled out and signed by the corresponding author on behalf of all authors.

Before publication, the Editorial Board will consider requests for changes to author names. Once an article has been published, it is no longer possible to make changes to author names.