Types of Paper

Surgical Revolutions and Artificial Intelligence accepted article types;

- Original Research

- Review

- Case Report

- Letter to the Editor

- Technical Note

- Editorial

- Innovation Report (by invitation only )

Subjects include surgical medicine practices, including AI-assisted diagnosis and diagnostic applications, treatment planning, robotic surgery research.

Authors are expected to submit the ICJME Disclosure and Interest form and the Acknowledgment of Authorship Form in addition to the application materials, which vary according to the categories listed below, depending on the type of article.


Original Research

Original research articles should include an abstract of no more than 250 words and be structured as follows: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion.

The main text should not exceed 3,000 words (not including abstract, references, figure/table legends) and references should not exceed 40.

- Title page (Title, author name (institutional information where the work should be attributed, highest academic degree, ORCID ID’s), disclaimers, funding, number of words, number of figures/tables, disclosure of relationships and activities)

- Abstract text (250 words, introduction, methods, results, conclusions, findings, keywords)

- Introduction

- Methods (selection and definition of participants, data collection and measurements, statistics)

- Results

- Discussion

- References (up to 40)

- Tables (Supplementary materials will be subject to peer review. They should not be embedded in the main text, they should be uploaded to the system as an attachment file. Tables should be maximum 5 pieces).

- Figures, visuals (Additional materials will be subject to peer review. They should not be embedded in the main text, they should be uploaded to the system as an additional file. Figures/images should be maximum 5 pieces).

- Acknowledgments (when necessary)

- Copy of ethics committee approval for research on human subjects (retrospective/prospective)


Review Article

The main text should not exceed 5,000 words (not including abstract, references, figure/table legends), and references should not exceed 100. The abstract section of review articles can be presented as structured or unstructured.

- Title page (Title, author name (institutional information where the work should be attributed, highest academic degree, ORCID ID’s), disclaimers, funding, number of words, number of figures/tables, disclosure of relationships and activities)

- Abstract text (250 words, keywords)

- Introduction

- Methods

- Results

- Discussion

- References (maximum 100)

- Tables (Supplementary materials will be subject to peer review. They should not be embedded in the main text, but should be uploaded to the system as an attachment file. Tables should be maximum 5 pieces).

- Figures, visuals (Additional materials will be subject to peer review. They should not be embedded in the main text and should be uploaded to the system as an additional file. Figures/images should be maximum 5 pieces).

- Acknowledgments (when necessary)


Case Report

The main text should not exceed 2,000 words (abstract, references, figure/table legends are not included) and references should not exceed 10. The abstract section of Case Reports can be presented as structured or unstructured.

Protection of patient confidentiality is the responsibility of the authors conducting the study. Patient informed consent forms should be made available upon request and kept in the author's archive.

- Title page (Title, author name (institutional information where the work should be attributed, highest academic degree, ORCID ID’s), informed consent statement, disclaimers, funding, number of words, number of figures/tables, disclosure of relationships and activities)

- Abstract text (250 words, keywords)

- Introduction

- Case Report

- Results

- Discussion

- References (up to 10)

- Tables (Supplementary materials will be subject to peer review. They should not be embedded in the main text, they should be uploaded to the system as an attachment file. Tables should be maximum 1 piece).

- Figures, visuals (Additional materials will be subject to peer review. They should not be embedded in the main text, they should be uploaded to the system as an additional file. Figures/images should be maximum 3 pieces).

- Acknowledgments (when necessary)


Letter to Editor

Letters to the Editor include comments and analysis of articles published in the journal and current issues. Authors of cited articles are given the right to respond to the comment.

It does not include an abstract section. The main text should not exceed 1,000 words, and the bibliography should not exceed 7 words. Use no more than 1 table and 1 figure/picture.

- Title page (Title, author name (institutional information where the work should be attributed, highest academic degree, ORCID ID’s), informed consent statement, disclaimers, funding, number of words, number of figures/tables)


Technical Note

Technical notes are short articles describing developments in the application of a technique or procedure in various ways.

The main text should not exceed 2,000 words (excluding abstract, references, figure/table legends), references should not exceed 10, tables, figures and images should not exceed 6.

- Title page (Title, author name (institutional information where the work should be attributed, highest academic degree, ORCID ID’s), informed consent statement, disclaimers, funding, number of words, number of figures/tables)



The main text should not exceed 1,500 words (excluding abstract, references, figure/table legends), references should not exceed 10, tables, figures and images should not exceed 2. The abstract section of editorial articles may be submitted as unstructured. The purpose of editorials is the interpretation and analysis of a publication article. The same number of responses will be given to authors of original articles.

- Title page (Title, author name (institutional information where the work should be attributed, highest academic degree, ORCID ID’s), informed consent statement, disclaimers, funding, number of words, number of figures/tables)